Hello, we are Zenblob.


We specialize in Business Intelligence, building data analysis platform & Customised Software Development.


We are here to innovate your business.


See some of our works or get in touch to discuss how we could help you.

Expedita tempora nostrum. Quidem sit consequatur. Inventore aut ut necessitatibus. Corporis suscipit quis consequatur aut aliquid vitae et architecto nam.


Our list of awesome services.

作为一家专注于应用定制化开发的企业,我们致力于为客户提供高质量、创新性和量身定制的软件解决方案。 我们团队由一群充满激情和经验丰富的专业人士组成,他们擅长于将最新的技术和最佳实践融入到每一个项目中。

Branding 企业数字品牌

通过精心设计的网站、社交媒体策略和自平台营销,我们帮助客户在竞争激烈的市场中脱颖而出,建立强大的品牌认知度和忠诚度。 We understand the power of a strong digital brand, and we're dedicated to crafting unique and compelling online identities for our clients.

Software Customisation 定制化开发

们量身定制软件系统,确保其完美契合客户的运营模式。我们的定制化开发服务涵盖从需求分析到设计、编码、测试和维护的全过程,旨在帮助客户提高运营效率并实现业务目标。 Specializing in customised software solutions, we dive deep into our clients' business processes to create systems that perfectly align with their operations

UX Research 人机交互

用户访谈、调查和可用性测试等方法,我们深入了解用户的需求和行为,为设计和开发更易于使用、更直观的产品提供有力支持。我们的目标是创造令人愉悦的用户体验,提升产品的市场竞争力 We invest heavily in UX research, using methods like user interviews, surveys, and usability testing to understand our users' needs and behaviors. This insight guides our design and development process, ensuring we create intuitive, user-friendly products that delight our customers

Frontend Development 前端设计

我们的前端开发团队专注于创建美观且功能齐全的用户界面。我们运用最新的前端框架和设计理念,确保用户界面在不同设备和屏幕尺寸上都能良好运行。我们还注重响应式设计,以提供最佳的用户体验。 Our frontend development team excels at creating visually stunning and fully functional user interfaces.We prioritize responsive design to deliver an optimal user experience.

Build-Apps 搭建应用

客户搭建功能强大、用户友好的移动应用程序。无论是iOS、Android还是跨平台应用,我们都能提供专业的开发服务。我们注重应用的性能和稳定性,确保为用户提供流畅的使用体验。 e build powerful and user-friendly applications for our clients. Whether it's iOS, Android, or cross-platform, our expert team delivers high-performance, stable apps that provide a seamless user experience

AI-Apps AI-生产工具

为客户提供创新的AI生产工具。这些工具可以帮助企业自动化生产过程、优化决策、提高效率并降低成本 We're at the forefront of leveraging artificial intelligence to create innovative AI-powered tools for our clients,which streamline production processes, enhance decision-making, improve efficiency, and reduce costs

Products 产品

Check out our latest products.


About Us 我们

This is what we are.


As a software company focused on customized application development, our products span various fields, from mobile apps and enterprise-level software to cloud-based solutions. We are dedicated to delivering high-quality, innovative, and tailored software solutions to meet the diverse needs of different industries and businesses. By leveraging the latest technologies and best practices, our team can quickly adapt to market changes and provide flexible, efficient services. Whether it's the initial concept design or final delivery, we ensure that every project meets our clients' expectations and helps them achieve their business goals.

Our Work Process. 我们的信念









Business Partners 合作伙伴

Microsoft 服务平台

企业微信 深度融合-开发伙伴

Hugging-Face AI服务搭建

ModelScope 魔塔社区 开源项目

Contact Us 联系

Get in touch with us.


Do you have an idea or an epic project in mind? Talk to us.

Find us here 公司地址

禅滴科技-15层 Zenblob Info-Tech 15F
海珠区-富盈国际大厦 Fuying ITCT
中国-广东-广州-Canton, GD, China

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